Hi and welcome to the GPTS webpage. Money needs no introductions, so here's the deal: You surf. They pay you.
That's the new frenzy! Getting paid to surf the web, that is. It's not only happening in the States, it's happening everywhere! It's the new way to make money. And like every new way, only the first people to join will be able to really profit from it. Don't wait until more people know about this. Instead, join and tell them yourself. That way you can make the money instead!
The basic rule is that you run a small program that shows a banner ad on your screen and you get paid for that. The money comes from the people who pay to have their ad there. The company who supplies you with the banner gets a part of that money, of course. But there is a lot left, don't worry. Surfers get anything from 40% - 75% of net revenue, depending on the company. That means a lot of cash, actually. Especially if you refer other people to the company. In that case you also get paid for the time your friends spend on the Net.
To see how much you get paid from each company, I have provided you with a list of companies at which you can subscribe. Subscription is free and you can join all of them if you want. Please, please, use the links provided or use the reference IDs or numbers, so that I get credit for your referral. You don't get extra money for not putting down the person that referred you to them, so please respect my hard work for gathering all these sites in one list. That way I will continue to update this site with new companies and GPTS opporunities (like how to make money while using your computer offline!). Under each company in the list there is "Pays" line which says how much they pay you for each hour you spend online and how much of that you get for any referrals. Most of them use multi-level referrals, so you get paid different percentages depending on how many referals you have. But there is a limit to those levels (usually 4-7).
Well, for example, if the "Pays" line
says "51c. Ref: 10%, 5%, 2%, 1%" that means that you get 51 cents for
each hour you spend online and then you get 10% of that for each hour that each friend
of yours spends online. Then you get 5% of the 51 cents for your friend's
friend, etc. Your friend is your "Level 1 Referral" and his friend is
one of your "Level 2 Referrals".
Hang on a sec there. If you want to see a realistic potential of this just follow me on this example: You are at work and leave the browser on for a realistic 8 hours a day. You don't have to browse or use the computer, just leave it on and connected to the Net. You have lots of buddies and colleagues and you tell them about this thing. Twenty of them actually subscribe as your referrals and use the service (the others are people who just can't see an opportunity). They surf the same as you do. Let's say they only refer 10 people each thereon. That means that in a month you make:
You: (50 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 1 = $120.00
Level 1: (10 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 20 = $480.00
Level 2: (05 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 10 = $120.00
Level 3: (02 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 10 = $ 48.00
Level 4: (01 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 10 = $ 24.00
Level 5: (01 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 10 = $ 24.00
Level 6: (01 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 10 = $ 24.00
Level 7: (01 cents) x (8 hours a day) x (30 days a month) x 10 = $ 24.00
Imagine the possibilities if you have two accounts in every company (you and your partner's) which all run at the same time. Especially if you have Net access from places like universities where you can leave the computer on all day (and night) long. A friend of mine is the supervisor for 3 computer labs in my old university. He leaves the computers on every Friday evening and only resets them on Monday morning. I won't tell you what he drives, because he doesn't drive. He's got a friggin' chauffeur! He's the guy that referred me to this stuff. And I'm thinking that he could me, or you! (by the way, hi Steven!) :-)
Absolutely. You don't have to buy a thing! And your privacy isn't intruded either. All companies have a strict privacy policy, so no third party gets your email address. Ever! Some of the companies operate opt-in email schemes and they send you advertising material only if you want them to so as to maximize your profit (you get paid for emails you receive). Also, some operate a banner scheme for webmasters, so if you have your own webpage you can profit from that as well.
By cheques of course. Most cheques are in US Dollars and are sent anywhere in the world (check if unsure). You can convert them in local currency at a bank for a small comission (1-3% usually). But in order to get paid you have to spend some time on the Net using these little programs that show the ads. Each company has a different one. You can have more than one running at a time. Please note that not all companies support Macs.
Clicking on any link below will open a new window for you. Please note that some of these companies refer only to members from certain parts of the globe. Others may have not yet started to operate since they first need to build a solid user base before the advertisers give them any money. Some companies pay on basis of their advertising profit, that's why you will see percentages instead of an amount in dollars or pounds. In any case don't hesitate to sign-up and recruit more people. The more the merrier...
All Advantage |
here to join!
Please don't delete the reference code "HEV-120". |
They are probably the most known GPTS company in the world! Referrals are unlimited, but you only get paid for the first 25 hours (per month) that you use their Viewbar. That includes all members: you and your referrals. That was the bad news. The good news is that it pays promptly and they have been operational for some months! |
Pays: 50c. Ref: 10c, 5c, 5c, 5c, 5c. | Members: USA, UK & Canada. | |
Spedia Net |
here to join! Please don't delete the reference number "382679". |
There is a $1 charge for sending you the cheque (or $4.50 for non-US addresses). You can also win ad points by playing games on their website. There is a automatic $30 minimum for sending you a cheque, but you can request it earlier if you want. They have no fixed rate of pay, but they operate other schemes as well: Get Paid to Play Games, Online Shopping Assistant (for discounts) and if you want you can donate your earnings to your favourite charity! |
Pays: Varies. Ref: Varies. | Members: International. | |
GoToWorld |
here to join!
Please don't delete the reference number "1041740601". |
This is a very interesting programme because it is a pyramid upside-down. You get paid more for your furthest referral! This can work out really neat if you think about it, especially since you can have an unlimited number of referrals. But you only get paid for the first 40 hours of surf-time in any case. They don't have an AdBar-app but an integration tool for your Internet Explorer. Sorry, no Macs! They only send cheques to North America for the moment but they will soon expand! They also operate "Get Paid to Chat" and "Get Paid to Shop" schemes. |
Pays: 40c. Ref: 10c, 15c, 20c. | Members: US & Canada. | |
UtopiAD |
here to join!
Please don't delete the reference number "298290". |
They normally pay you every three months, but their CashBar is not available for download. You can build your referral base, but can't gain cash just yet. You can also opt-in for email ads if you want to maximise your earnings. You don't have to surf to gain money. You earn as long as you're using your computer. |
Pays: 40% (51c). Ref: 10%, 5%, 2%, 1%. | Members: Worldwide, but US preferred. | |
DotAd |
here to join!
Please don't delete the reference number "548759". |
Pay ratio is calculated on profit and they seem to have the highest pay per hour ratio (measured in percentages). Exact amounts are not known at time of "print". The scheme will be functional in February. |
Pays: 75%. Ref: 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, 1% | Members: Worldwide. | |
PaysU (UK) |
here to join!
Please don't delete the reference code "LDM5795A". |
It is based in the UK and pays in pounds. Their "PaysStation" is not yet ready available for download (it is beta testing phase right now) but they had announced a launch date of 14 Jan 2000 (which was yesterday). Minimum payment is £50 (if your balance is less than that then the amount is transferred to the next month). You're paid for your first 25 surfing hours, and for the first 10 hours of any of your referrals. The limit is soon to be increased to 80 hours per month. There is also an off-line advertising scheme (get paid while off-line) that you will find at the site. |
Pays: 55%. Ref: 20%, 10%, 5%, 5%, 5%. | Members: Worldwide. | |
Before you advertise massively may I suggest you read each site's policy on spam. Most of them have a very strict policy and your account will be deleted if someone complains to the company (and you lose the month's cash). Actually, read each company's membership rules to see what's allowed and what's not.
Thanks for listening. Keep on surfing!
The owner of this site and the host cannot be held liable for any actions that any of the visitors take after visiting this site. This site is to inform visitors and has no connection to any of the listed companies. Users visit at their own risk. Batteries not included. :)